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  • Writer's pictureKyra Suzawa-Tajima

Scent Log

1. Hairspray : On Saturday the 27th I went to my first prom. I enjoyed being able to get dressed up and to have my hair and makeup on. This scent of hairspray will now remind me of the great night I had

2. Salt: Throughout the weekend I also spent some time in Waikiki. Being close to the beach allowed me to smell the salty air and reminded me of how close summer is.

3. Flowers: At prom I was also able to smell the sweet scent of flowers which instantly put a smile on my face.

4. Sweat: On Saturday morning I had dance practice and in the room I could feel the heat and smell the heat coming off of everyones body

5. Rain: On my way to prom it was very rainy and to me I personally love the smell of rain. The smell also always makes me think of my childhood as I would always play in the rain for hours.

6. Food: Although I ate throughout the entire weekend one of my favorite smells was as I walked into CPK. 7. Bleach was another scent I smelt during the past weekend as my family was cleaning around the house.

8. Perfume: In order to smell nice I prom I gave myself a nice scent by spraying perfume.

9. Banana: Banana's are my favorite fruit and I love the sweet smell that goes along with its chewy texture

10. I'm not too sure what type of product or solution I use in my washing machine, but over the weekend I washed my bed sheets and I love the refreshing scent as well as the warmth.

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